⭐️ ALIEN SLIME – Each is supplied in a 6cm clear plastic capsule with colourful gooey putty.
⭐️ ALIEN TATTOO SHEET – 6 themed tattoos per sheet that are perforated for easy separation.
Apply with water.. Size of each temporary tattoo: 4cm
⭐️ STICKY CREATURE – You can throw them at walls, windows and mirrors and they will stick
⭐️ Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Sour Apple Chew Bar 20g
(Vegan, Vegetarian,100% Halal
All toys are purchased from reputable wholesalers or manufacturers, have passed the required safety tests and have the CE and/or UKCA marking on them or on their packaging.
WARNING: SMALL PARTS, CHOKING HAZARD. Not suitable for children under 3 years.